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Or, you can purchase this course bundled with the book at a discounted rate here.
In this online course, professional spoon carver Emmet Van Driesche, walks you through the entire process of carving a spoon from green wood. Emmet is such an exceptional teacher – he knows his stuff and is articulate and approachable – and we are so glad we’ve asked him to do this course. His 2023 book Greenwood Spoon Carving is the most helpful and thorough we’ve ever seen, and this video series takes Emmet’s teaching to another level.
While his book is amazingly detailed and covers so much ground that you’d never get in a class, you also need to simply see how it’s done. This course assumes no prior experience, yet takes you right into high-level, but accessible techniques. This is because Emmet’s approach to spoon design and his method of carving are both aimed at making it as easy as possible to achieve success. In searching the internet, we’ve all discovered that there are many convoluted ways to carve a spoon, but why would anyone want to proceed without sound direction? Woodworkers throughout history have known that having a skilled artisan simply teach you “how it’s done” not only saves you many hours of time and headache, but it also makes the process fun. Why struggle doing it the hard way when doing it the sane way makes it enjoyable?
In these video lessons, Emmet shows you everything you need to know about tool selection; sharpening slöjd knives, hook tools, and axes; processing green stock; spoon design; axing spoon blanks; rough and final carving; finishing; and spoon care. Emmet leaves no stone unturned, and throughout this nearly 5-hour course, there is no dead time. Emmet is wellspring of valuable information and insight, yet somehow throughout the whole process, his teaching never makes you feel overwhelmed.
This course is designed to get you going in spoon carving. Grab an axe and a knife and sit down with Emmet – your carving will be better after sitting under his expert instruction.
Introduction to spoon carving
Sharpening slöjd knives, hook knives, and axes
Tool selection and making a hewing stump & club
Safety (acute and long-term health)
Wood selection
Spoon design
Axing the spoon blank
Rough knife carving the shape
Finishing cuts
Carving the bowl
Finish treatment & care of spoons
No time constraints – you'll get lifetime access to this course material!