Thank You, Crazy Readers Who Stay Up With Us

Last night was fun! We were all up at midnight for the big “Another Work is Possible” film release and book pre-ordering. Mike, Grace, and I were keeping an eye out for technical glitches, and my brother, Sam, who made the film and his wife Yael stayed up to celebrate. We’re always amazed at you crazy readers who stay up to order! It’s awesome.

Already this morning emails and messages have been coming in from some of you that have watched the film:

“Sam killed it. Loved every second of the film, and thank you especially for including the scene with Gary Snyder’s poetry (and its impromptu translation). Totally worth staying up past my bedtime.”


“The film is beautiful. ‘Sabotage the Machine!’ I feel less alone in the struggle to hang on to some sanity today.”

This kind of supportive feedback is what pumps us to keep on going folks. We look forward to hearing from more of you. Thank you for your enthusiasm! 

If you would like to get in on this, you have three options for ordering:

Thank you all so much for helping us incite craft!

– Joshua


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