Organic Woodworking

“Take the meanest rusty handplane, clean it up, grind the blade and sharpen it like a razor. Tune the plane, set it very fine and run it over a scrap of oak. Hear the sound it makes and feel the finish. If you share that thrill, set yourself a project to make entirely by hand. By doing so, I once, years ago, renewed my love affair with wood. I have owned some machines myself, but I examined what I was doing and decided to go organic. I haven’t regretted it once.”

–John Brown, from Good Work


Thank you, Lost Art Press, for publishing this excellent book by Christopher Williams. As longtime fans of Brown’s writing, we heartily commend it. Not only is there backstory provided by Williams, but there’s lots of Brown himself (chapter 5) – frankness and all. We consider this book a must read for today’s woodworkers.

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