Welcoming Mike #2… or is it #1?

M&T activity has been ramping up steadily over the past year with daily blog posts and regular podcasts and videos. We’ve also finally been able to get some of our favorite books in stock. And we’ve got a lot more we’ve been working on behind the scenes that is yet to be announced. (I’ve been working on another book and we have a new program currently in the final stages of development.) All of this has been possible because we hired our friend Grace Cox a couple years ago. Grace has been tackling more and more as time goes on and this has meant Mike and I have been able to focus on creating loads more content. It’s been wind in our sails.

But this uptick in activity has created more administrative, shipping, and customer service work than Grace can keep up with on her own. She began to need help. Mike has been able to pitch in on some of the technical end of things and in customer service, but this wasn’t a long-term solution. Basically, we needed another Mike.

Fortunately, Grace is married to one. And he is a stellar dude with a set of perfectly complementary skills. After a few discussions, we unanimously decided to bring Mike Cox on board. Mike C has been a highly regarded Maine Veteran Service Officer for a long while now and was looking a change of pace. He’s pumped to be working from home now alongside his wife and they tackle the administrative end of M&T and homeschool their kiddos.

So, Grace’s Mike #1 is M&T’s Mike #2. When I say, “Mike,” they both look up. In most companies two people with the same first name is no big deal, but when that is 50% of the team, it gets confusing.

This is obviously a small problem and it’s the only one we can come up with to joke about. In reality, we are thrilled about what Mike is bringing to the table. He’s sharp, super organized, always 10 minutes early (what he calls “on time”), and is an enthusiastic worker. I’m sure he will also be able to help out with all of the construction we have going on here at the M&T headquarters – it never ends!

So, we’d like you to meet the fourth member of the core M&T team, Grace’s husband, Mike Cox.

Michael Cox lives in mid-coast Maine with his wife and two children. He is a Veteran of two combat tours in Iraq as an infantry medic with the famed 1st Infantry Division of the United States Army. From there, he held positions in marine logistics and as a Veteran Service Officer, helping disabled Veterans gain and manage benefits at both the state and federal levels. Aside from his involvement with Mortise & Tenon, his interests include enjoying the Maine coast and woodlands with his family and volunteering in the Veteran community.

Inspired by Mike C, from now on, we’ve decided to offer a 15% store-wide military and veteran discount. If you are U.S. active military or a veteran, reach out to Grace at info@mortiseandtenonmag.com and she’ll get you set up. We at M&T thank you for your service. 

You all may at some point interact with Mike C in customer service emails – make sure you give him a warm welcome!

– Joshua


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