We’ve never been on-the-ball when it comes to bundling our products. When we started our Apprenticeship video series, we intentionally designed the instruction to build on the previous videos – meaning, they’re meant to be taken together.
Recently inspired by the first class in our shop last week, we’ve decided to offer our two instructional DVDs bundled for a discounted rate. Being able to expose students to another way to work that is human-powered, human-guided, and deeply fulfilling is the reason we keep at this thing.
Want to learn efficient hand-tool-only woodworking but not sure where to start? Looking for advice and wondering if the way you’ve cooked up yourself is the best way to do it? We hope these videos will be a help in your journey.
The cost for the bundle is $55 for both videos totaling almost 6 hours of in-depth instruction.
You can order the Apprenticeship DVD bundle here.
As always, we appreciate your support of this small business.