One Week Until Pre-orders Close


If you are looking to pre-order Issue Five (with wrapping, trade card, and free shipping), you only have through next Tuesday to do it. After September 18th, Issue Five will be sold without the wrapping and free shipping.

To get your order in on time, there are two ways to do it:
 1. Subscribe for a year (2 issues)

This issue’s got a fascinating combination of traditional coopering, Norse Sea Chest construction, Chester Cornett, Japanese woodworking, Eric Sloane, and more. Check out the full table of contents here.

We are so excited about this new issue and can’t wait to get it into your hands! The packing party to ship this issue out will be Friday, September 21st and Saturday the 22nd. We expect that you will see your copy in your mailbox during the first week of October.

- Joshua


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