For me, the beginning of the work week is always about picking up the pieces from the week before, returning phone calls, and planning the week’s work. Today has been another miscellany Monday with the main order of business being unpacking from the Lie-Nielsen Open House. We decided to leave the van loaded when we got back late Saturday night so when I opened the van door the first time this morning, the glorious aroma of pine was almost intoxicating. Between the two knockdown benches and “barn” backdrop there was a lot of pine in there. The smell of pine is one of the reasons I love working wood.
I warned Mike that today would be very broken up with miscellaneous activities. I wasn’t kidding. We unloaded the display, inventoried merchandise, shipped orders, made two furniture deliveries from last week’s work, discussed the next (surprise) M&T project, helped an injured woman until an ambulance showed up, and since my wife wasn't able, Mike helped me disbud one of our goats that got missed last time around. Talk about a diverse work day. This is my weird professional life.