Get Your #1-11 Wax-sealed Trade Cards


While clearing out storage recently, we came up with a goodly handful of hand-stamped wax-sealed trade cards that came affixed to previous issues of M&T. In an effort to move them along to better homes, we’ve decided to put them up for sale. There’s a finite number of these cards left – only a small handful of some of the designs. 
But we also ordered several hundred trade cards for Issues 9, 10, and 11 and wax sealed them for those who would like them. Those last three issues did not originally come with sealed cards due to the increased volume of subscriptions we now fulfill. So, this will be the first time these cards have been available outside the 1-10 Boxed Sets. 

$5 each. You can get them here.

We’re testing the waters with this to see if there’s enough interest to continue making trade cards for future issues. We think of these like our $3 stickers, only with a lot more expense and time investment. (Hand sealing individual cards is no joke. $5 is a steal.)

If there’s not enough interest in these, we won’t make an Issue Twelve card. If there is, we will.

So, here’s to an experiment… Let us know if you would like one (or a few) by ordering now.

– Joshua


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