Now Accepting Applications for the 2022 M&T Craft Research Grant

We are excited to announce that we are opening up the M&T Craft Research Grant for 2022 applicants! Launched last year, this program is intended to provide opportunities for new voices and enthusiastic research in the realm of pre-industrial handcraft. Up to $3,000 will be awarded to each recipient, and can be used to cover travel expenses, research materials, or time taken away from a day job to focus on the area of interest. And this research will culminate in an article published in a future issue of M&T.

Our goal is to enable those passionate about craft to dig in and share what they learn with others. We say it time and time again, but the rabbit trails are endless when you take a closer look at the ways things were made by hand. From wheelmaking to coopering to timber framing, all utilized nothing more than simple tools and human ingenuity, and rich folk traditions and insider knowledge accompanied all these trades. This knowledge is too important to fade away.

So if you’re an amateur historian fascinated by the unique trades that were once practiced in your area, or a tool collector wanting to study a particular maker, or an admirer or practitioner of indigenous handcraft, I’m writing to you. You can download the application here. We will be accepting applications until June 1, after which two recipients will be selected.

And if you’re interested in donating to support this kind of research work, you can do so here. Craft Research Grant supporters receive a wax-sealed trade card denoting their contribution to this year’s grants, as well as regular email updates of research work.



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